Wednesday, June 24, 2009

They forsook all and followed Him

Luke 5:11 :So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.

I find it so contrary to what I do when I am blessed. If I am blessed at my work or in anything, I literally forget God for a moment and enjoy the blessing. Then, I may remember to thank God but I continue to follow the blessing.

These guys- fishermen had a bad night; working without even a single catch! (Luke 5:5) But, at Jesus' word, (they took it as a command rather than a suggestion-seeing His works probably) they did the SAME procedure of letting down the nets into the deep, this time catching so much fish that their boats began to sink!!! Such catch! after a void-result night would tempt me to stay with the catch and make the most of it!

But these guys! they followed Jesus... Its like saying," wow! what a miracle!" and then ,"The catch can wait! I'm going after this person who brought it here!!" (can anyone do that?!) I always go after games first/friends first/cooking first/work first etc etc etc. and tell God can wait. Truly a pity.

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